Apple's Original Content Efforts 'Unfocused'
Posted by 3uTools

Apple seems to be working on developing original programming, but the company's efforts are unfocused. 

"As of right now, there isn't a structural approach. There's been a little bit of a moving target as to what exactly their plan is," an industry source told the publication. 

Apple executives such as SVP of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue have been meeting with industry executives at Viacom's
  Paramount and Sony TV, Mashable added. 

Apple's Original Content Efforts 'Unfocused'

However, people close to the meetings said it's "confusing" as to what Apple desires. 

"It's not like they are coming to the table saying 'We'd like to go buy six shows this year across three arenas.' It's much more opportunistic, which makes it hard to sell to them". 

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Source: thestreet

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