Apple's new campus has left some California tree buyers scrambling, according to a Thursday report in the San Francisco Chronicle.
The newspaper reported on an urban garden, perched atop a new transit center in the Bay Area. As part of the project, the architects have scoured the west coast for what they hope will eventually be 469 trees, according to the Chronicle.
But Apple's new campus — a spaceship-like building that's estimated to cost billions — requires about 3,000 trees, according to the Chronicle. The park's contractor and architect have had to develop a strategy to keep their desired trees from being snapped up by Apple — marking them with a locking yellow tag.
Apple has been on an environmental bent in recent years, vowing to get more of its supply chain to avoid conflict minerals and pollution. The company owns two forests as part of the Nature Conservancy, one in northern Maine and one in North Carolina.
Source: cnbc