Apple has released the first iOS 11.4.1 beta to registered developers for testing on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Now, you could upgrade to Final iOS 11.4 on 3uTools.
This guide will show you how to remove the following pesky error, which can crop up in your Cydia output from time to time: dpkg: warning: parsing file ‘/var/lib/dpkg/status’ … missing maintainer
Although iPhone now has inbuilt tethering functionality, stock limitations still apply. To set up tethering on your iPhone, you must gain the required permissions from your carrier.
Apple tweaks the App Switcher user interface with almost every major iteration of iOS.
Citing the developer of Navatar, Apple pulled this feature from the iPhone 5s and earlier starting with iOS 10.2 and later.
In this article, you’ll learn how to remove duplicate photos from your iPhone library. In doing so, you’ll remove the clutter and save space.
Today we will introduce another feature you may not notice: Back up and Restore in Contacts.
Apple makes it simple to find and delete unused apps. You know those apps; the ones you just had to have when they were first released, but are now collecting digital dust. Here are the steps.
If you are a contractor, a freelancer, or want to keep track of your time for personal reasons, there are plenty of apps that can help you do it.
Nowadays, more and more people are inclined to read on their mobile phones.
If you take advantage of the alarm feature on your iPhone or iPad as often as I do, then a new free jailbreak tweak called CCAlarmETA by iOS developer LonestarX may come off as intriguing to you.